Monday, June 22, 2015


The Cooner Named Sazzle

All these stories were dictated to me by Ellie this last weekend. Any exclamation points were explicitly stated by Ellie. Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

The Cooner Named Sazzle
The cooner named Sazzle
sailed a boat,
then the elevator opened, *ding*

I'm the jumbk and I cooner.
And I want to play, play, play.
And I jump up and down.
And I like to sleep.
And I wake up in the morning and shout!

The Three Aliens
We're the three aliens and we like to say A, A, A!
Then the three aliens popped out of the balloons.
And they say S.

The Tree
"Hello, I'm the tree!"
"And I'm a cheek tree."
"And I like to hop."
"And I just say bahloo! bahloo!"
"And I say, I love you."

The next few were written while the girls were taking a bath.

"I'm Cockadoodledoo and I like to float."
"And I like to pop the balloons."
"And I like to go in the water!"
"And I like to turn off the lights."
"And I like to stomp the water!"

Ribbit and Her Mommy
"I like to jump up and down."
"And I like to play with Turtley."
"And I want to go to sleep."
"And I snore."
"And I play with your ears."

Number the one likes to play like me.
And she drains the water.
And the water goes down, down, down.
And the water goes splash.
And the water sticks its tongue out.
And number one likes to lay down.
THE END, ribbit

The Outer Space: About the Star Named Twinkle Twinkle
And she goes to swim.
And she says yell!

This was the last story that day that she dictated from her bed.

6 the 6
And 6 the 6 goes fast.
And it junk and falls.
And it plays with a basketball.
And she goes to sleep and yongs, and yongs, and yongs, and yongs.
And it zooms away.
And it junks.
And it sees a kangaroo going by and it goes fast with its fast power.
And it just goes into the eyes.
And it says THE END.
T, T, T, S, S, S, D, D, D, D, and S, S, S, S.
Then pop.
And she gallances and gallances.
And she says,"L, L, L, L."
And she says,"Waaaaa!"
And she says,"When I mommy, when I mommy, when I mommy."
And she just goes to bed.
And she ats and ats and ats.
And she says,"A, A, A."
And she goes to hide in the basket.
And she just smells the flowers outside.
And she says,"and, and, and."
And she says,"A."
And she just gots to A, A.
And she poooooops.
And she says,"oooh, oooh."
And she says,"muhmuh."
And book.
And chulageegabangamizah-gizabizabilla-kumaleebazhahakim

These next few were from the next day

Cereal the Cereal
Cereal the cereal jumped.
And he said,"Wooooooaaaahhh!"
Then I went to my mommy and said,"hey, hey, hey."
And I went to my daddy and said,"wanta, wanta, want."
And she said,"Daaaahaaahaaaagh."
And she said,"one, one, one."
And she said,"kweeeeee! kwee, kwee, kwee, kwee."
But she didn't denies that anybody was here.
Then I'm also ripe.
And I go down to the bottom right here.
Then I go one more souf.

Techa-Coca the Prove It
Ellie, Ellie, Ellie

Door the Door the Door
I'm door the door and I like to spring and be in outer space too.
Then I play with flowers.

My Pony
"I'm Pony the pony. Neigh!"
And I like to speed up.
And I like to say S, S, S, S.
And I like to say B, B, B, B.
And I like to say L, L, L, L, S.
And I want to say buh.
And 'pop' is a bad word.
And I have giraffe power to jump highest one time.
And stalk.


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